
The purpose of the “Bricks For Life” Program is to create an opportunity for young adults and their families, to learn and develop working skills that prepare them to carve their way into the working society. The majority of children in Tanzania do not finish secondary school. In Tanzania, 44% of the population is under age 15. These children leave school at that age or older, unprepared to take technical jobs or contribute with specialized skills to sustain their families or, if orphans, themselves. They have few chances to  improve their quality of life. 
Significant poverty reduction in Tanzania will depend on higher growth rates in the rural economy, particularly in the agricultural, construction and infrastructure sectors.

Our goal is to use architecture as an instrument for learning ( brick-making, masonry, carpentry, eco-orchard, eco-garden, water harvesting projects, solar power/water heating projects, sciences lab, etc.). 

Each project is followed from start to finish: Research, Design, Simulation, Implementation, Evaluation. We research conditions, survey, consult, evaluate data, design industrial, technological, architectural and educational solutions, implement construction and programs and evaluate results.

To develop our projects, we collaborate with international architects, engineers and masons specialists in sustainable and earthen architecture.

Community villagers learning how to ram earth for a bench. with rhythm !


KARATU COUNCIL Presentation of the CSEB Manufacturing and School construction projects.